A wonderful group of Santa Cruz artists is preparing to help us make banners, signs etc for amazing marches Sep 20, 27thstrike_build_web.jpg

The Summer of ARRT for Radical Times
Preparing for the September 14th Climate Strike Art Build at RCNV
When: Saturday, September 7th
Time:  11:00-2:00
Where: Myra Eastman’s Studio      1031 El Dorado Ave. S.C.
As we look forward to the grand finale of our summer activities, we are asking for your help to prepare for the upcoming Art Build workshop.
 We will be doing the following:
      1. Preparing stencils
      2.  Cutting fabric for banners and flags
      3.  Making cardboard “houses on fire” signs (these will be painted on the 14th)
Materials we could use on the 7th:
      1. Exacto knives
      2. Utility knives
      3. Fabric for banners and flags
      4. Cardboard
      5. Fabric scissors
      6. Rulers or yardsticks
      7. Cardstock
Materials we are requesting for the 9/14th Art Build that you could bring on the 7th-this will help us see what we’ve got and what we still need to procure
  1. Acrylic and household paint-especially the colors red, black and yellows
  2. Tempera paint-especially the colors red and yellow?
  3. Drop cloths
  4. Yogurt containers